Hardcore wide straps
Hardcore wide straps
Hardcore wide straps
Your satisfaction is our priority:
1- Try it on at home and see how it fits. We give you up to 2 months for size changes and returns FREE of charge as long as the garment still has the label.
2- Satisfaction guarantee: We are so confident in our products that we offer you another guarantee.
If for whatever reason it is not what you expected in the time we give you, we will send you a completely new item or refund 100% of your money!
Essential Range: 2 months warranty.
Exclusive Range: 6 months warranty.
Premium range: 1 year warranty.
- Our Standard shipping takes between 3 and 7 business days , costs €3.95 and is FREE for orders over €50.
- With Express you receive your order within the next 24 or 48 hours, guaranteed on business days. It is only €2 more than the other and if you spend more than €50 it has a minimum cost of only €2.95 .
Order counting time 12AM . All orders placed after that will count for the next day.
Once the payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email and when it is sent, you will receive another one with the tracking.
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