Frequently asked questions
How many days does it take for orders to arrive?
The days will always be working days, that is, holidays do not count.
This is an estimate, it may take a little less or a little more, it is an average time.
If we talk about the standard, it takes between 3 and 7 business days.
In the case of express delivery, you will receive it at home within 24 or 48 hours.
Everything is more detailed in the following link.
Direct link to:SHIPPING
How do I track my order?
Once the order has been sent, you will receive an email with the tracking number, which can be traced on the
CTT page unless another company appears in the same email.
If you click on the number it will take you directly to the information and delivery forecast.
If you want to contact CTT to find out about your shipment, call 916 602 200 .
What happens if I'm not at home?
The same delivery person will call you (usually) to make sure it can be delivered.
If you want to contact CTT to find out about your shipment, you can also call 916 602 200. If the tracking email says "other", you must call Nacex . We provide the number: 900 100 000
Can I select a pick-up point?
Yes, you can. Once you have the shipping information and you expect to be away from home or want to pick it up when you have time, you can do so from the CTT website. The shipping details are detailed on the shipping page.
Direct link:SHIPPING
Are the clothes durable and of quality?
Let's be clear. The products in the basic line logically
They are the lowest quality ones we have, but that doesn't mean they are bad quality. In fact, if you read the specifications you will notice that the fabrics are better than the competition, even better than 100% hardcore.
If all our customers are happy with that category, it is because we deliver.
The DTF printing we use lasts approximately 50 to 70 washes on average. Just as the manufacturers say. Depending on how you take care of and wash your clothes, they will last more or less. Using them well or mistreating them no longer depends on us, but on each one of us.
If you go to the Premium category, you will find products that will last you at least 5 years and easily 10.
So choose well between having low-cost products and sacrificing durability or paying for high-end products that will last you many years.
I can't find my size... Would it be possible to order it?
In principle, yes, as long as the item is not manufactured in-house. Tell us what size you want through Instagram @zonahardcore_shop or through the WhatsApp icon on our website and we will see what we can do.
Do you only have black t-shirts for almost everything?
Depending on the product. T-shirts and sweatshirts can be ordered in various colours as long as they are not manufactured from scratch.
We have white, blue, red, orange, beige, green... Write us on Instagram @zonahardcore_shop if you want it in
color or talk to us through the WhatsApp icon on our website.
Can I make changes or returns?
One of our strong dishes!
Try on the clothes without obligation at home and if you are not convinced or want to change the size we will do it at 0 cost and totally free for you during the first 2 months upon receiving your order.
If you have to return something, we will give you a couple of details to deliver the package to the nearest Nacex agency and when the package arrives we will verify that everything is correct and we will refund your money.
If it is an exchange, the carrier will arrive at your house and you will only have to give him the item in exchange for the one we sent you.
What is this about Guarantees?
Another of our main dishes!
It is a reasonable amount of time to ensure safety for the customer, that is, you.
This warranty period covers any factory defects that an item may have, covering the cost of production and shipping of a completely new item.
Basic Range: 2 months
Exclusive Range: 6 months
Premium range: 1 year
In short, if something goes wrong, we will send you another one for free as long as the factory defect has been proven.
This can be demonstrated through photos or, if this is complicated, it will be assessed with the manufacturer and for this we will have to order the product to be collected so that we can then inspect it.
This last step is a bit tedious, but if everything goes well, we will send you something new for free. Otherwise, you will have to pay for shipping so that we can send you the product again.
We want the best for you but no scams of any kind.
What payment options are there?
We have several options:
-Apple and Google Pay.
-Cash on delivery. (€8 supplement) Contact us for this through the WhatsApp icon on the website.
Do you have a physical store?
Right now we are only online unless there is an opportunity to set up a merchandise rack at a party.
We do not have physical stores and that allows us to offer quality products at more competitive prices by not
have that expense.
How can I contact customer service?
You have several options:
1- You will see it through the WhatsApp icon at the bottom right of the screen.
2- Instagram: zonahardcore_shop
3- Email:
Do you have any discounts or promotions?
Right now we have a tab in the menu dedicated to promotions, another to monthly sales and another to liquidations when we have very few stock units and we want to finish the item.
There is also a welcome offer that you will find at the beginning (although you have to look for it).
And finally, if you haven't made an order yet, you can subscribe to our emails and we'll give you 10% off your first purchase. Although we always take care of our loyal customers who continue to buy with different rewards, VIP deals, exclusive items and exclusive promotions.
How do I apply a discount?
In the same cart, we have implemented that you can apply any discount there. If it is automatic, it will be applied without you having to enter it.
Another option is to add it to the checkout screen. Right after you hit pay for your order, you will arrive at the checkout page. At the top you can find the summary of your order, and if you can't find it there, it's also at the bottom.